Sunday 8 April 2012

Easter fever... not

Well today was an interesting day today. I actually woke up on time, which for me, is quite rare as a teenager so I had plenty of time to get ready for church. To be totally honest to whoever is reading this, I didn't feel like i was engaged in the church service today at my church. I normally go to church every Sunday, and I usually am involved and singing, and paying attention. But today, I don't know what happened, but i had no desire to worship today. I just stood there, hoping for something to spark me, and did nothing. We had a baptism service today. Nothing really interesting happened at church. And it saddens me to say that. I Don't know why I'm telling whoever is out there this anyway.

Anyway, I painted roughly 3 new paintings today, well i finished one from the other day, and I am working on two abstract pieces. I have no idea what got into me... but i started working on this painting of ... ME. It wasn't realistic, but i just painted. it is very abstract in my mind. It has quite dark colours, with blocks of colours covering the mouth and eyes, and they i painted eyes on the top. But yah...

At least this Easter i got to have CHOCOLATE! See I've been trying to control my diet, to stay away from candy, but i get such bad cravings that i just can't resist. I could probably eat more candy than 3 of my friends. Well i need to get an english report finished, which will take me a while. Adios amigos!

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