Sunday 15 April 2012

Gizmo :)

Well just spent a lovely weekend at Rocky Ridge Ranch, and I rode Gizmo each ride. He was acting and behaving better than expected on the first day, but the second day, he was acting up, and when i went to get on him, he would start walking away. So i would have to spin him around until he decided he would stand still. I like that he doesn't try to go for the grass when we are on trail rides, cause then its one less thing i have to worry about. But i figured out over the summer that he LOVES Crabbe apples, so whenever we pass under a tree, he always tries to get them off the ground.
He was still not listening to me to get him to walk faster in the corral, but out on the trails, he speeds up quite a bit. He's responding much better to turning signals, when before he would just keep walking wherever he tried to go. Another thing he does is if there is mud, or puddles, he will try to avoid them at all costs, or try to run through them. SO i have to hold him back, or encourage him to go forward as much as possible.

He's my buddy and i love him dearly :) Overall it was a fun weekend. I tried to run Bill (barn manager) over with Gizmo, while there was a group. Gizmo walked right up to him, bumped his nose into him, and then stopped after almost pushing Bill over. (had a good chuckle after that :P )

On the second day, we had just brought all the horses that we needed in and they were all tied up in the barn, (because we don't have stalls, we tie them up to the walls, and then we have a center aisle) he was scratching, so i grabbed a really hard brush and scratched that spot for him. HIS FACE WAS HILARIOUS!!!!! he did this: he stretched out his neck, showed the edges of his back teeth, and stretched out his lips. I used my nails instead to scratch him and he looked like he was in heaven. It's nice that i have to the time when i'm there to groom him myself, and tack him up most of the time.

Well, time for me to get ready for school tomorrow, and prepare for the interesting week ahead: dentists, horseback-riding birthday party at the ranch, and math test ....

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